Version Control: 2.0
Date of Implementation: 20230525
2.0 Summary
This document sets forth the Period and Pricing Policy (the “Policy”) for the Registry Operator. A pricing rate card will be provided to Registrars indicating prices for:
Sunrise Registration Fee
Community Organization Phase Registration Fee
Standard Domain Registration Fee
Premium Domain Registration Fees
Reserved Name Application Fee
Domain Renewal Fee
Domain Transfer Fee
Domain Restore Fee
Domain Change of Registrant Pre-Authorization Fee
The Registry Operator may update the rate card and modify this Pricing Policy from time to time in accordance with the Registry-Registrar Agreement.
3.0 Periods
3.1 Qualified Launch Period. The Qualified Launch Period is a period where the Registry Operator may allocate second-level domains to selected registrants prior to the allocation of second-level domains in the Sunrise Period (as defined below).
3.2 Sunrise. The Registry Operator will implement a Start-Date Sunrise (i.e., First Come, First Served). Applicants who meet the Registrant Eligibility Policy and have a valid Signed Mark Data file issued by the TMCH will be permitted to apply for and register those corresponding domain names.
3.3 Community Organization Phase. The Community Phase is the period that is at least six (6) months in length where artists, creators, musicians, bands and other community members corporate/business entities, and organizations that meet the Established Music Community and Music Industry Classification criteria and must be an existing memberships at any number of music community member organizations (MCMO).
3.3.1 Application for a MTLD Domain Name During Community Organization Phase. There is no cost to submit an application during the Community Organization Phase. At the conclusion of the Community Organization Phase, tokens will be awarded to the winning applicant to be used to register a MTLD domain name for the awarded name-string at the registrar of choice.
3.3.2 During the Community Organization Phase. The Registry Operator through the Registry Operator’s Identity Verification Solution Provider (IVSP) may request documentation and conduct further communication with applicants to determine a Music Score and nexus to the applied for domain name string. Moreover, the Registry Operator has the right to request further documentation and information from an applicant and obtain and/or cross-reference third-party data to determine the strength of the applicant’s nexus to a domain name string. Such documentation, information and third-party data, (according to the Name Selection Policy) will be utilized to help determine the appropriateness of an applicant for a domain name, protect and preserve intellectual property rights and mitigate piracy and other abuse.
3.3.3 Contention. When multiple applications for the same MTLD domain name is made from MCMO members during the Community Phase, the Registry Operator may request that each of the applicants provide supporting music documentation (Music Score Determinants according to the Name Selection Policy) to Registry Operator’s IVSP to process and analyze their respective music industry Music Score and nexus connected to the applied for domain name string. The Registry Operator may, in its discretion, award an applied for name string to parties that have a clear, and overwhelming recognition in the community with the applied for string. In the absence of a clear and overwhelming applicant, if two or more applicants have demonstrated significant and recognizable music industry credentials (Music Score) and nexus to the contentious domain name, then resolution will be settled through an auction among those qualifying registrants. The Registry Operator will utilize an established, neutral third party (i.e., selected service provider) to conduct auctions in accordance with their rules and policies that will be available on/via Registry Operator’s website.
3.4 General Availability (GA or GoLive) Period. The General Availability (GA) period is when the MTLD is open to all classes defined in the Registrant Eligibility Policy. Registration is available on a first come, first serve basis and is priced at the prevailing Standard Domain Registration Fee for registrars.
4.0 Premium and Reserved Names
4.1 Premium Domain Names. Premium Domain Names (PDN) are those that have a higher initial (first year only) registration fee than that of the Standard Domain Registration Fee. Registry Operator will provide a mechanism for Registrars to identify the price of a PDN before registering the name. All PDNs are renewed at the prevailing and standard Domain Renewal Fee at the point of renewal. PDNs can be applied for in the Community Organization Phase or on a first come first served basis in GA.
4.2 Reserved Domain Names. Reserved Domain Names (RDN) are those that cannot be registered without direct approval from the Registry Operator. Pricing on RDNs may have either the Standard Domain Registration Fee or special first year Premium pricing (with standard Domain Renewal Fee at the point of renewal). RDNs can be requested through the registrant’s accredited registrar of choice.
5.0 Grace Periods
5.1 Sunrise Add Grace Period: For domain registrations resulting from Sunrise Period applications, the domain will have a Sunrise Add Grace Period lasting five (5) days. During this period, Registrars can delete the domain and avoid charges.
5.2 Add Grace Period: For five (5) days after registering a domain, Registrars can delete the domain without being charged, and the domain will be open for re-registration.
5.3 Auto-Renew Grace Period: Upon its expiration, a domain name will be automatically renewed for one (1) year. For forty-five (45) days after a domain expires, Registrars can delete the domain to avoid being charged for this renewal. Registrars must follow the Registrar Abuse and Notification Policy pertaining to prohibiting registrars from auctioning off MTLDs in the Auto-Renew Grace Period.
5.4 Redemption Grace Period: For thirty (30) days after a domain is deleted, a Registrar may restore the domain, subject to the Registrar Abuse Policy and the applicable restore fees. This only applies to fully registered domains that are deleted, not to deletions of domains pending registrations or domains deleted during the Add Grace Period or Sunrise Add Grace Period. Registrars must follow the Registrar Abuse and Notification Policy pertaining to prohibiting registrars from auctioning off MTLDs through the use of the Redemption Grace Period.
6.0 Amendments
Registry Operator reserves the right to modify this Policy at its sole discretion. Such revised Policy shall be posted on the Registry Operator’s website at least fifteen (15) calendar days before its effective date. Therefore, it is important to check the effective date of the Policy posted here each time you use the Registry Operator’s website. By continuing to use the Services after we make changes, you indicate your consent to those changes.
7.0 Questions and Contact Information
Registry Operator wants to assure you that we are dedicated to protecting the rights of registrants. If you have questions or comments about this Policy, please contact * * *