Report Abuse
Registry.MUSIC domain names are only available through .MUSIC Accredited Registrars. Please contact the registrar of record for a particular domain name in cases of abuse activity (spam, phishing, adware etc) first and foremost.
Registry.MUSIC and its partners are committed to the stable and secure operation of the .MUSIC TLD. Abusive use of .MUSIC domain names creates security and stability issues for registries, registrars, registrants, and the music community that is served by the .MUSIC name space. Importantly, every .MUSIC domain name and its Registered Name Holder must adhere to the Registry’s Anti-Abuse and Legitimate Use Policy.
How to Report Abuse:
Contact the domain name’s registrar of record
If additional help is required, check to see the status of a domain name below first.
After checking the status of the domain name in question, if further abuse reporting is required please click the "Report Abuse" button to fill out the Report Abuse form.
DNS Status
Registry.MUSIC domain names are only available through .MUSIC Accredited Registrars. Please contact the registrar of record for a particular domain name in cases of abuse activity (spam, phishing, adware etc) first and foremost.
Registry.MUSIC and its partners are committed to the stable and secure operation of the .MUSIC TLD. Abusive use of .MUSIC domain names create security and stability issues for registries, registrars, registrants, and the music community that is served by the .MUSIC name space. Importantly, every .MUSIC domain name and its Registered Name Holder must adhere to the Registry’s Anti-Abuse and Legitimate Use Policy.
How to Report Abuse:
Contact the domain name’s registrar of record
If additional help is required, check to see the status of a domain name below first.
After checking the status of the domain name in question, if further abuse reporting is required please click the "Report Abuse" button to fill out the Report Abuse form.